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A Self Care Kit from Us to You!

Self care is the best care. Kick off your journey to lasting relief with a handy phone stand, helpful resistance band, relaxing massage ball, and a few sample exercises. Connect with your care team to get personalized recommendations on how to use these tools.



Set up

Start on your hands and knees. Stack your shoulders over your wrists, and your hips over your knees. Rest the tops of your feet on the floor. ​


Step 1

To begin, arch your back and extend your spine, lifting the crown of your head and your tailbone toward the sky. Feel a sense of openness through your chest and shoulders. ​


Step 2

Round your back and flex your spine, pointing the crown of your head and tailbone toward the floor. Feel the broadness of your back as you push your hands into the floor and spread your shoulder blades wide. ​



Repeat the exercise four to six times, using your breath as a guide: Inhale to arch your spine, exhale to round your spine.  ​

Child’s Pose


Set up

Begin kneeling with your knees slightly wider than your hips. If you feel discomfort in this position, sit on top of a pillow or bolster. Gently contract your abdominals to support your spine.  ​


Step 1

To perform the exercise, lean forward, straightening your arms in front of you. Rest your forehead on the floor or a cushion, if needed. Lean your hips back as far as you can toward your heels and gently round your lower back.  Hold for several seconds, feeling a stretch in your lower back and hips.​


Step 2

Slowly return to your starting position and reset.​



Repeat the exercise four to six times, using your breath as a guide: ​Hold step 1 for a few cycles of breath, emphasizing the stretch each time you exhale.​

Pelvic Bridge with Band


Set up

Place a resistance band around your thighs, a few inches above your knees. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Rest your arms by your side and relax your upper body.


Step 1

To begin, contract your core and push your feet into the ground to lift your hips. Raise your hips high enough to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Gently press your outer thighs into the band to maintain tension.


Step 2

With control, lower back down to the ground, keeping tension in the band.​



Repeat the exercise six to eight times, using your breath as a guide:​ Exhale as you lift your hips, inhale as you lower down.​

Double Knee to Chest


Set up

Start on your back with your knees bent and feet off of the floor. Gently hold the tops of your shins to support your legs. Relax your shoulders.


Step 1

To begin the exercise, guide your knees toward your chest with your hands. Keep weight in your tailbone so that it stays in contact with the floor. When you feel a gentle stretch in your lower back, hold this position for several seconds.​


Step 2

Slowly return to your starting position.​



Repeat the exercise four to six times, using your breath as a guide: ​Hold step 1 for a few cycles of breath, emphasizing the stretch each time you exhale.​

Relief in your hands

A small-but-mighty prop, this high density massage ball works wonders for tight muscles and sore feet. Keep it by your desk, stash it next to your bed, or take it with you on trips for a quick dose of self care whenever you need it.


Listen to your body and use the ball to unwind any part that feels tight. Common techniques include:


Place the ball in between a wall and your upper back to massage your shoulders.


Place the ball in between a wall and your outer thigh and hip to relieve tension.


Sit on the floor and roll the ball under the backs of your lower legs to relax tight calves.


Take a seat and place the ball under the arches of your feet for an effective massage.


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